4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give Up On Your Resolution To Find a New Job

It’s February already!

One month into the new year.  When the new year hit, you were determined to find a new job and get away from that soul sucking job that’s slowing killing you on the inside.  Well, maybe it’s not that dramatic, maybe you just want to see what’s out there.  FACTS: Along with losing weight, getting fit, and finding romance, getting a new job is always in the top of everyone’s new year’s resolution list.  With most of us, we abandon our New Years goals and promises within 2 weeks time. Between the grey skies, snow, rain, and down right frigid cold weather - it’s easy to just want to go home and stay warm. Easy to fall back into old habits.

Normally I am not the kind of person to try to motivate or pump up others because the way I feel about it is, you are either going to do it or you are not. But this year, I want to try something new - I want to encourage you to stay with it.  Keep looking for that job and here are some reasons why you should be encouraged to keep trying to find that new job.

  1. The government shutdown should have gotten your attention. In 2019 over 800,000 government employees were furloughed due to the longest government shutdown in the history of the United States of America. But the shutdown affected millions of others - small businesses who relied on those workers to buy food, equipment, suppliers and other essentials. contractors who worked for government contractors whose work was stopped due to the shutdown. Going to work without a paycheck violates the basic principle agreement of work which is, you go to work and you get paid. Government employee or not, just that fact that there are some folks who were asked to work without pay, should encourage to find a more stable situation for yourself.
  2. Hiring picks up after the first month of the year. Companies are always looking for talent and things slow down a bit for the holidays but after the new year comes in - things pick right back up.
  3. Christmas bills! Need I say more? End of January those bills from Christmas are due and they are a good reminder that you need a new job with more money and better benefits.
  4. You deserve better. Thankfully, most of my clients are hard workers with degrees and certifications. They are intelligent. They aren’t part of the skills gap, yet they still haven’t made the money that should be making, they don’t have the titles that they should have or they aren’t getting the calls from potential employers that they want. You deserve a better job. You deserve to be appreciated. Keep looking for it.

A great resume helps! If you need help updating your resume for the new job search, contact me and let’s get started.

Just click here to get started.